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minor bug in version 3.0 and other

Hallo everybody,

I have observed the following while I was creating a geometry:
I already have some geometry (points, lines & arcs).
I switch to line (or arc) drawing mode and select 1 point.
Now I switch to selection mode, select some lines or arcs, copy them somewhere.
As I see femm copies the last selection and not the first point (even if it was highlighted).
Now nothing is highlighted, but if I click another point fem will draw a line (or arc).

I think that when I switch to the selection tool femm should forget any previous selection, 
or copy it also. Anyway, after the copy operation the first point should be completely forgotten.

There are two small things that I would like in femmview:
In harmonic problems I find often necessary to convert line and block integral result 
in polar complex values (R and theta) and not only in Real+Imaginary.
I like very much the new waj for block selection, is it possible to have the same for line selection 
(choose arcs and segments instead of points)?
