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Re: [femm] Re: Fast Point Location

  I was very glad to hear that my codes can work for FEMM program, and thank you for testing it for me. You are welcome.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [femm] Re: Axi Question and Fast Point Location

In a message dated 3/18/01 1:47:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, stsc_sh@xxxxxxxx

 Thanks for give me the description of your method. It's hardly to find
references on this sort and your method is realy good I think. Now I can
try to use the method in your document.

 I use the superconvergence method in my work. The references I found was
just like you listed in User Manual[10]. But on interface, the
superconvergence method don't work because of the discontinuity in real
case. Your method seems to well solve the case when the interface between 2
blocks are straight lines or arcs. But in many cases, one may need the
exactly values near the corner. Ofcourse, we can solve it by choose a dense
mesh along the corner's edge. But this is a so boring job.Is there exist
any idea how to deal with corners. Thanks.

The problem is that the field near corners isn't very accurately interpolated
from nodal values over triangles.  The field at the corners can be singular
(or nearly so), and the direction of the field can change abruptly as you go
around a corner.  I have been dealing with this by just sampling the flux
density in the elements directly around the corner node, choosing the biggest
flux density, and then setting the direction based on the "original"
direction of the flux.  This isn't really that satisfying a way to do things,
but it makes things look ok in density plots...

 Another thing. These days, I wrote the fast point location routines that
may use to replace CFemmviewDoc::InTriangle() function in femmview program.
I have debuged it on my PC. It works well. you can try it if you have time.
The instruction of how to install and use this routine is in readme.txt.

Si hang

Wow--this is excellent.  I was able to compile your code without any
problems, and it seems to work great!  For example, the time that it took to
compute the torque on a model of a synchronous PM motor with about 42,000
node points was reduced by a factor of 8.  It also works fine when the domain
is non-convex and multiply connected.  Thank you very much for taking the
time to put this together--it definitely improves the program's performance.  

Dave Meeker

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