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Re: [femm] About .fem file and meaning of its elements


"¼­Áø±Ô" wrote:

Hellow FEMM users.
I'm a beginner of FEMM.

I can find following mesage in my .fem file
[NumPoints] = 8
0        0      0       0
0       1.5     0       0
1.5     1.5     0       0
1.5     0       0       0
0.5     0.5     0       0
1       1       0       0
0.5     1       0       0
1       0.5     0       0
[NumSegments] = 8
1       0       -1      1       0       0
0       3       -1      0       0       0
3       2       -1      2       0       0
2       1       -1      0       0       0
6       4       -1      0       0       0
4       7       -1      0       0       0
7       5       -1      0       0       0
5       6       -1      0       0       0
[NumArcSegments] = 0
[NumHoles] = 0
[NumBlockLabels] = 2
1.06    1.22    1       0.1     0       0       0
0.75    0.75    2       0.1     0       0       0


I don't know the meaning of matrix elements.
For example, in the [NumPoints], (0 0) is not my input data.
The elements of [NumSegments] are same situations.
May I get the meaning of these elements?

List of points in the geometry is preceeded by
[NumPoints] = n
where n is the number of points in the geometry.  This line is followed by n lines containing information on each point.  Each line consists of four values:
1) x (or r) location of the point
2) y (or z) location of the point
3) integer indicating which point label is applied to this point (default is 0 when no label is associated with the point)
4) integer indictating which group that the point belongs to (default is zero)

The list of segments in the geometry is preceeded by t
where n is the number of segments in the geometry.  Followed by n lines containing 6 values per line:
1) number of the first endpoint of the segment (points are numbered from zero)
2) number of the second endpoint in the segment
3) Maximum mesh size constraint (-1 is the default if there is no constrain on the discretization of this segment)
4) Boundary condition that applies to this segment (0 if no BC is applied)
5) Flag that denotes whether or not this segment is to be displayed in the postprocessor (0 for shown, 1 for not shown)
6) Integer indictating which group that the point belongs to (default is zero)

Arc segment list preceeded by:
each of the n following lines has 7 entries:
1) first point in the arc segment
2) second point in the arc segment
3) arc length, degrees
4) maximum arc segment size for the purposes of discretization, degrees
5) boundary condition (works same as for line segments)
6) flag that indicates whether or not the arc is displayed in the postprocessor
7) number of the group to which the arc segment belongs

Block labels that indicate an interior section of the geometry that is not meshed are called "holes".  The list of holes is preceeded by:
and each of the following lines has 3 entries:
1) x (or r) position of the marker
2) y (or z) position of the marker
3) group membership of the marker

Block labels associated with meshed regions are next.  The list of block labels is preceeded by:
and each of the n following lines has

1) x (or r) location of the label
2) y (or z) location of the label
3) material property associated with this label (default is 0 for no material)
4) mesh size constraint for the labelled region
5) circuit property associated with this label
6) magnetization direction associated with this label
7) group membership

I think it is very easy to make .fem file case by case
for 'batch proces' using Matlab.
This is pretty much true, since the *.fem input files are just ascii text files.  However, there is one catch with running batch processes this way.  As it stands, the preprocessor does some sort of "pre-meshing" before triangle is called.  You'd still have to load the files into the preprocessor and hit the "turn the crank" button for each file to analyze it, even if it was created automatically.

Dave Meeker

org:Foster-Miller, Inc.;Electrical and Electronic Systems Group
title:Senior Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;350 Second Avenue=0D=0A;Waltham;MA;02451-1196;USA
fn:David Meeker, Ph.D.