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RE: [femm] Re: Batch processing / interfacing



   My batch processing needs are for multiple positions of one part relative to another.  Petr Krc solved the problem for rotating points within (or outside) a given circle, but I have been thinking about a more generalised approach.


   Manipulation of the points outside of femme can take the approach Petr did, but defining the region to move may not be very simple.  My idea was to split the model into two femm files, process one to create the movement, and then merge them back.  I downloaded the Femm source code to take a look at the file structures, and it looks like 90% of what I need is already there.  I can see several routes I can take, but am not sure of the implications.


1)      I can write everything from scratch.

2)      I can rip the code I need from Femme and create a separate program just to merge Fem files.

3)      I can add a File->Merge facility to Femme

4)      You can add a File->Merge facility to Femme


Which are acceptable options?

