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Re: [femm] Reconfiguring Femm to Individual Requirements: How?


Douglas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

What development environment is the 'best' for restructing the Femm
source code to individual requirements eg VC++, linux C++ compiler
etc? What libraries are required?
I'd rather not purchase new support software if I can help it.

My programming skills are fairly basic so I need some guidance on a
starting point.

Douglas Stevenson

Well, the source posted on the femm website is Visual C++ 4.  The program ends up using some stuff that is probably specific to vc++, so it would probably be difficult to build it with another compiler. You can load and compile the source on versions of vc++ later than 4 without any problems (at least it works OK with the VC++ 6 Enterprise Edition that I have installed on my work machine).  Everything that you need to compile the program with vc++ is included in the source distribution (i.e. no libraries that you have to round up from somewhere else).

While Visual C++ isn't freeware, it isn't all that expensive to acquire.  Since I'm a cheapskate, I run the vc++4.0 Standard Edition at home, which came bundled with the book "Essential Visual C++ 4" for about $40 US.   The Standard Edition of vc++6 is available new for $82 US at buy.com, and you could probably get a used version on ebay for about $20.


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fn:David Meeker, Ph.D.