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Re: [femm] 3D Code

Alexandre Carvalho wrote:

> I think that GNU General Public License is the best license to be used. Compiler: GNU C++ with DDD
> debuger. OpenGL should be the graphics library. An other possibility is Java. It is portable for all
> platforms but the speed processor is very low.

If the project is to have a number of developers that contribute at roughly equal levels, GPL probably is
the best way to go. However, I don't want to force people to use gnu C++. A lot of the people developing
the program will be running some flavor of Windows. Although the cygwin stuff with gnu C++ is freely
available, this is sort of analogous to developing a Windows application in Wine on a machine running
Linux--it certainly could be done, but it would be drag. I think that some sort of cross-platform libraries
would be a better way to go, since developers might be able to use more or less whatever C++ compiler they
felt like. OpenGL is probably a good choice for graphics, and it's apparently supported under wxWindows and
Fox Toolkit cross-platform GUI toolkits.


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