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FEMM on Linux

This has been a recurring issue, so I think I'll
recapitulate my own experiences with it, adaptable
even to an introductory level.

The reader is assumed to have a dual-boot computer
with FEMM installed in a "real" Windows partition. If
not, it's probably more difficult. The Codeweavers
version of WINE, used for compatibility, is, in my
opinion, the best.

You should probably mention your Windows partition in
/etc/fstab. If it is your intention to use FEMM a lot,
a batch file such as the following makes things more

cd /mnt/hda1
wine "Program Files"/femm31/bin/femme.exe

That way you can start the GUI with such a command as
./femm, if that's the name of the batch file.

A problem such as the one in the tutorial at
femm.berlios.de/tutor/tutor.htm can then be entered in
the usual way. It might be a good idea to make sure
that you can *save* the files you create. The "fake"
drive C: created by WINE, and in particular the My
Documents folder mapped to your home directory, are
likely candidates.

After you save the file and click on the meshing icon,
it might say it can't launch the mesher. If so, just
close FEMM and open it again. The file should be

After you click on the eyeglasses, you'll have to
click on the title bar of the Femmview form to bring
it to the top. Other than that, it works the same as
in Windows.

Eventually you'll probably close the application.
"WINE exited with a successful status..." 

Robert "Tim" Kopp

"SAMBA--opening Windows to a wider world."

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