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problem with convergence

Hi David,

I have a problem with the attached file: no solution can be found.
This model tries to solve a highly saturated lamination.
Note that I have changed the material specifications adding some points up
to B=3.0T (that should be never reached).
As far as I know the points that I have added should give a smooth
monotonic function (verified in femmplot and in excel diagram)
In case the problem was spline interpolation, why not to add a lower degree
interpolation as an option? I had the same problem with the function "fit"
in gnucap and order=3 for interpolating functions. The problem disappeared
with order 1 or 2.


P.S. did you see my message dated 29 January? I have seen no comment about

(See attached file: no-convergence.fem)
ing. G.Bortolan

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Attachment: no-convergence.fem
Description: Binary data