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some wished improvments in preprocessor

Dear David
since you continuously develop new functions in FEMM, users wish more and
Then I ask for something new in the preprocessor:
- the ability to hilight all the entities that share the same
characteristic (i.e. group, circuit, node property, magnetization
direction, etc.) . It is something like the opposite of the right
double-click. I think is is very useful for investigating the models.
- it is often necessary to change one property in a group of selected
entities without influencing other properties. I mean that I'd like to
change the magnetization direction without influencing the mesh size or the
type of material, or the group or ....
- is it possible to change the mouse behaviour such that if I drag the
mouse it automatically switches to select area mode? eventually it may be
performed by the right mouse key that has already a selection function.
- a Z-length in problem definition, as already suggested by somebody, may
be useful, but a 0 length should be kept for indefinite length. This would
modify the postprocessor also.

ing. G.Bortolan

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