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Re: [femm] number of points in material defintion

I think you should take less points on the aprox linearity zone (let's say 5-6) and as many as posible in the non-linearity zone (let's say 50-60). If you are measuring the B-H points (it's a real problem) then you can make much mesurments in the n0n-linearity zone (not 50-60 but 10-15) and after that make an interpolation to obtain as many points as you need but i think 100 points are enough (maybe too much?)

 "Michael Salloker <michael.salloker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <michael.salloker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I wonder how many points un B-H-curve are necessary to get a good
description of a ferromagnetic material.

I found out, that increasing the number of points also increase the
speed of the calculation, so its necessary to find a sufficient large
number of data points.

So imagine I have a material with a saturation of about 1T, i could
do a spacing of 0.1 T, or 0.05T aso. In general I believe its better
to make aquidistant points for B and for H, due the nonlinearity.

Whats is the experts opnion?



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