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Re: [femm] femmplot

Tecnico wrote:

> Why not to use gnuplot for plotting 2D diagrams?
> It would be a powerful front-end with many smoothing and customizing options and without having to write new software.
> ing. G.Bortolan

Hmm--I hadn't thought of that. It might be possible to have a preference so that it tries to call gnuplot instead of
femmplot. In any case, femmplot wasn't meant to be a real "full featured" plotting program--just a quick and dirty viewer
that lets you visualized the data from along a contour. That's why there is the ability to dump data to disk--so you can
load it into gnuplot, matlab, mathematica, or whatever, to make more presentable

Peter Ceelen wrote:

> May I make the additional suggestion of allowing the user to do density plots of
> the tangential and normal fields. I realize this has to be done with respect to
> a line, in my particular case it is with respect to the horizontal, though in
> some special cases I have looked at curved lines. I have spent a great deal of
> time plotting multiple Bt contours to text files, importing to Excel, and then
> creating surface plots. This approach is tedious and slow. So I wrote an
> Excel VBA routine which takes the ANS, NODE, EDGE, and ELE files and creates
> surface plots or sorted scatter plots of the tangential fields. It is very slow
> and not nearly as smooth as your B surface plot. I also do not have it debugged
> to the point where it will take models with a large number of elements, nor have
> I figured out how to parse out the sign of the tangential component from the
> data in the files. In any case, being able to do this directly in FemmView
> would be enormously helpful (and certainly faster), even if restricted to using
> the horizontal as a line of reference.

This is also something that I've sort of on my "to do" list. I also need to add in the ability to plot density plots of
induced current density and losses, as well as components of B. Perhaps permeability would be another good one.

Dave Meeker

org:Foster-Miller, Inc.;Electrical and Electronic Systems Group
title:Senior Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;350 Second Avenue=0D=0A;Waltham;MA;02451-1196;USA
fn:David Meeker, Ph.D.