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What's New -- Computation Magnetics links

Just though you all might be interested in some of the latest updates to the computational magnetics links page at http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/gmagnetics/links.htm

Google has recently implemented a very good new translator program which can be incorporated more or less seamlessly into the addresses of foreign language web pages.  I've changed the entries for non-English language sites to include an additional link to the translation of the site.  Some of the more interesting ones are the Japanese and Korean commercial programs:

Several of the commercial programs have demo versions available that are new, or at least I hadn't noticed before now:

The demo version for SLIM has recently gone away.  The people working on SLIM tell me that the ftp server where the demo resided went down because Alstom UK, the company that makes SLIM, changed ISP providers.  A new dedicated SLIM site is apparently in the works.

Some entries have been added to the Commerical Programs list relatively recently:

If anyone knows of any additional links that might be interesting to include, tell me and I will add them to the list.

Dave Meeker

org:Foster-Miller, Inc.;Electrical and Electronic Systems Group
title:Senior Engineer
adr;quoted-printable:;;350 Second Avenue=0D=0A;Waltham;MA;02451-1196;USA
fn:David Meeker, Ph.D.