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Polar coordinate in Lua commands

Hello Dr. Meeker and all,

I have been using FEMM for about two months and really appreciate 
this great software and support.

In order to make this even easier to use, I would like to point out 
that some of the Lua commands are not consistent when polar grid is 
used. You may already know about this but I would like to remind you 
now so that you can consider including this into the next fix you 
will make (this weekend ?). So far I found,

- following commands expect (r, theta):
addnode, addblocklabel
- following commands expect (x, y)
addsegment, addarc, all the Selection, Editing, and Zoom commands,

Personally, I would like all the above to be (r, theta) in the polar 
grid, except for copytranslate, movetranslate, and Zoom commands. 
Also, is it possible to add setgrid command in Pre-processor?

Thank you again!

Yutaka Yoshida