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Re: [femm] Nov 10 Release

I'd put up a patch for the DXF input routine quite recently (Oct 18, 2002--see msg. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/femm/message/1479). I haven't found any DXF files that seem to make the latest patch bomb, but that certainly doesn't mean that it's guaranteed bullet-proof. Anyhow, make sure that the latest version is being used to import DXF files, and make sure that the file is saved as ascii dxf format, rather than binary dxf format -- femm only reads ascii dxf format.


Prof. Jose Roberto Camacho wrote:

Dear David,

Very nice to know that the Femm users now have a Nov. 10th
release of Femm. I would like to stick my finger in the cake if you
do allow me to do so. One of our students had problems when
importing in Femm dxf files from newer versions of AUTOCAD,
they found that with versions R12 and below of AUTOCAD, Femm
is importing the dxf files nicely, but when using Autocad R14 and
above the Femm program refuses to import the files. Autocad has
something new that Femm program doesn't like.
Anyone out there had such experience?
Sorry for my ignorance, but I leave that for the programming
wizards to discover what is going on.

With my regards and thanks for any comments concerning this


Dr. J.R. Camacho - IEEE Member:01981539 - ATP-EMTP-CLAUE-
Rural Electricity and Alternative Energy Sources Lab.
UFU - School of Electrical Engineering - P.O.Box: 593
Phone:+55.34.3239.4165/Ext.:250 - Fax:+55.34.3239.4166
38400.902 - Uberlandia - MG - Brazil

-- David Meeker email: dmeeker@xxxxxxxx www: http://femm.berlios.de/dmeeker