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Re: [femm] New FEMM user

Thanks Kevan.
I changed the mesh size and it worked fine. I guess my problem is that I build the DXF file in another application and the scale between FEMM and my application are different. Now I know where to search. Thanks again.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 20024:17 PM
Subject: RE: [femm] New FEMM user

Just to clarify the mesh vs grid comment. Really, the grid size has nothing todo with the mesh but it did give me insight into you model size or scale compared to the mesh size. Your outer circle has a diameter of 1200 and your mesh was 0.10 . Wow! Like I said, that is not necessary in the air region. As withall Finite Element packages, you must balance the amount of mesh require to give a good answer to the the amount of time needed to crunch a very fine mesh. I usually start with a fairly coarse mesh and reduce it as needed.
Kevan Guy
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Vogels [mailto:eric.vogels@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 2:22 AM
To: femm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [femm] New FEMM user

Dear All.
I have a small problem. I made my very first model with the femm-editor. 5 magnets in a circle of air. I did the steps mentioned in the tutorial but when I start 'create mesh' I see and hear the computer working and after a while Femm-editor returns with a message that the call to triangle was not succesful.
I wonder if maybe someone can be so kind to look at my model and write what I did wrong.
Thanks in advance.
Eric Vogels

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