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Re: [femm] Area cross section problem

tano1938 wrote:

I don't seem to be getting the correct cross section area using the
femmview block integrals. In the file "FRT_OLD.fem" selecting the
magnet block and then block cross section area, I get an area of 1.16
square inches. The cross section area of the magnet (diameter = 1.45
inches) is really 1.651 square inches. I assume the cross section
area is the area normal to the flux. Is that right? Also, what if a
block has more than one cross section area like the outer housing in
the same file. Where does femmview take the cross section?

Thanks for your help.

The block integral result is just the area of the triangles selected in green. For your particular example, 0.725" * 1.6" = 1.16 inch^2

If you want surface area, draw a contour representing the surface and do the "Contour Length" line integral. This integral will return 2 results: "Contour length", which is just the total length of the line that you've defined, and "Surface Area," which is the surface area that you get when you project the contour through the problem's depth (for planar problems) or by creating a surface of revolution from the defined contour (for axisymmetric problems).

David Meeker
email: dmeeker@xxxxxxxx
www: http://femm.berlios.de/dmeeker