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Re: [femm] Density plot colours and Lua


I would agree that too many colours can look messy but a few more could be an improvement, the range at the moment is a bit too course. MEGA and Quickfield (I think) use 32 colours and the plots look great but it is difficult to differentiate between some of the mid range steps, so 16 or perhaps 24 colours might be worth trying.

On another point Dave. I notice that Lua version 5 is released. Any plans to update?


There is no easy way for an end user to make the program use more than
12 different colors for the density plots.

However, there is no fundamental reason that the program couldn't be
changed to use more colors--it would be relatively easy to change the
source so that there were, for example, 16 colors instead of 12. I
just thought that things looked too busy with a lot more colors. I
suppose that I could change the code so that there is more of a
continuous-looking distribution of colors if there is a really strong
feeling about it.
