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Re: [femm] TetGen, a 3D tetrahedral mesh generator

There's been interest in a 3D version for a while now (see http://groups.yahoo.com/group/femm/messagesearch?query=Linux%20and%203D for some of the history). However, things have sort of had trouble getting off of the ground with respect to a 3D version.

agnaldo@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Dear J.P.Sinnecker , we have both the same need for a 3D femm version, since
the commercial 3D program are very expensive and very difficult to use.I´ve had
some contact with Ansys and found it an extremely complicated toolto use.


Cópia "<J.P.Sinnecker>" <jps@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> Dear David and femm users,
> I became very much interested in the possibility of a 3D femm version.
> Are
> there any plans for that?
> J.P.Sinnecker
> Instituto de Fisica – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

David Meeker