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Re: [femm] Modelling the new discovery of electrostatic rotation

wigstonmagna wrote:
Apparently if you charge up a sphere to a modest few kilovolts,
fixed in place, and then suspend two other spheres close by, the
other two spheres rotate. In the experiments described in the
references below, they didn't
actually rotate, but instead torqued up their suspension filaments
until the restoring force equalled the torque.

FEMM shouldn't predict a torque about the center of a perfectly conducting sphere (or infinite in the into-the-page direction cylinder, either).  If the sphere (or cylinder) is perfectly conducting, the sphere (or cylinder) is at a constant voltage. This means that at the surface of the sphere, the only components of E and D are directed normal to the surface (analogous to flux lines having to enter perpendicular to the surface of a block of highly permeable iron).  Consider the electrostatic stress tensor at any point on the surface of the sphere (or cylinder).  If E and D at a given point are directed normal to the surface, the force at this point must also be directed normal to the surface.  The torque about the center of the sphere due to the force at the point of interest is r cross dF, where r is the vector from the center of the sphere to the point of interest, and dF is the force at the point of interest.  Since dF is directed normal to the surface of the sphere, r and dF are pointing in the same direction,--their cross-product, and therefore the torque, is zero.

If you actually tried this (say on the cylinders) in FEMM, you'd doubtless get some small torque--a finite element solution is only approximate, after all.  However, with increasingly fine meshing, the computed torque ought to converge to zero.
David Meeker