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Re: [FEMM] coil

Andrei Popa wrote:

I'm trying to find distribution of magnetic field from a device with permanent magnet and solenoidal coil, but I don't know, how to represent a coil because I dont't have in library an example.

Check out the tutorial at http://femm.foster-miller.com/examples/tutor/tutor.htm Example 2 in the tutorial is a coil.

I need your help !!!
And maybe you can give me, if you are kind a solution to install FEMM in 3D.

There isn't a 3D version of FEMM available.

Although there are a lot of people who would be willing to help to/ test /a 3D code, there aren't enough who want to /develop/ one on a pro bono basis to actually get anything going. I guesstimate that it would take on the rough order of $10M in the US to develop an open-source 3D version from scratch up to the same level of the completeness and useability as the current 2D version, given a team of professional developers.
