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Re: [femm] FEMM "batch processing"

Graham Gunderson wrote:
> I've run into the same thing, kind of. Recently, I've been using FEMM to
> make animations. For each frame (in this example), I have to adjust the
> angular offset of magnetization to simulate rotating magnets and moving
> fields.

I did similar thing. To speed-up the process of selecting and rotating
circular geometry i wrote simple small C programm which read *.FEM file,
do some calculations on it (only rotation at this time) and write results
into another *.FEM file.
It can also 'rotate' angular offset of magnetization.

Program parameters:
FEMM_ROT.EXE infile outfile angle radius [-i|o] [-m]
infile - name of input file (*.FEM)
outfile - name of output file (*.FEM)
angle - angle of rotation (in degrees)
radius - radius of boundary between static and rotational points
[-i|-o] - defines which points to rotate (inside or outside of radius)
default is inside
[-m] - rotate angles defined in materal properties also
default is no

But it supports only FEMM v.2 data files (tested on v.2.1a).

I can send this program including source code if there is any interest.

Dave Squires wrote:
> FEMM would have to monitor FKERN to know when it is done so it can
> launch the next run.

It should be easy implemented in BAT file using:

Petr Krc