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Re: [femm] Free answers

Hi David,
Well, first and foremost... thanks for doing this, thanks for the free software, and thanks for tolerating lay people like me on your email list :)
One of my suggestions was going to be the sale of a frame animator for FEMM... for a fee. I don't think it's fair that anyone expects you to do any more work on FEMM than you already have done. Given the complexity of giving FEMM iterative capability, some reimbursal might be worth your time if you choose to attack the problem from any angle. Probably justa pittance, in real terms, but I still think it's worth mentioning.
You're right about the benefits of free disclosure and open source. It's just a shift from personal benefit to a more global benefit. You probably have the Tera Analysis (Quickfield) people up in arms. You, and FEMM, could be their best kept secret!
Would there be any value to you, even as a warm fuzzy, in spreading FEMM more widely? I know that supporting the software can be a sore point, and this may be reason to keep it small... but everyone I have seen use FEMM has benefited from it. It's obvious, for example, that the future of energy production and high technology must begin with our better understanding of electromagnetism - so why not share the wealth?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [femm] Free answers

Graham Gunderson wrote:

> Hi Dr. Meeker, I am too curious not to ask. Why do yougive FEMM away
> for free? Your software is helping so many people. Why do you take the
> time? Regards,Graham

In the beginning, I was considering releasing femm as some sort of
commercial product.  However, the more I thought about it, the more it
seemed like commercializing the program would be a big pain in the butt
for not a whole lot of money.  In the long run, it seemed like everyone
would getmore out of it as a freely available, open source project.
Besides, I'm a terrible salesman....


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