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RE: [femm] Batch processing / interfacing


   I am using femm to model a solenoid.  I need to plot a force/stroke curve, and so will have to manually move the plunger in femm and process each position separately.  Here isan idea I have for reducing the amount of work I have to do.  This may be a useful technique for batch processing.


I plan to define the model in femm, and then split and save it in two (could be more for more complex designs) parts, with the moving elements in a separate file to the static elements.  (Delete the moving parts, save the static ones, reload, delete static parts…)  I plan to write a simple program (basic transforms like move, rotate) to manipulate the moving elements and merge them with the static ones into a single file for processing.  It should be fairly easy to create a group of files, one for each position I wish to model.  It doesn’t solve all the problems, but may be useful to some.


If you were to change the file formats to one that included a description of each file element (e.g. xml) it would make it easier to process the data outside of FEMM.  e.g. current density could be manipulated,  elements could be move.  XML would be handy as it is human readable(ish), supports data structures while describing them at the same time, and there is programming support for it in Visual Basic and Visual C++ via msxml.dll.


To process the file would be simple if femm could be triggered through the command line.  As far as I can tell all the required information is in the .FEM file.


Generating integrals would still require something more involved, and DDE sounds like a good solution.  I will post my pre-processor once it is working.









-----Original Message-----
From: sentto-1333690-346-988651981-adrianwadey=compuserve.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sentto-1333690-346-988651981-adrianwadey=compuserve.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of David Meeker
Sent: 30 April 2001 18:33
To: femm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [femm] Batch processing / interfacing


Thanks to everyone for all of the comments on batch processing over the last few days.   The way that Keith and his students use the program is sort...