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Re: literature hints for FEM users...anyone else?

Keith, many thanks for the hint, I have ordered the book and will hopefully
receive it in 10 days..
Nestor, here is a short description of the books' content
Finite Element Methods in Electrical Power Engineering

This book is designed to give the theoretical foundation needed by
the new user of finite elements in electrical power engineering, and
shows how the equipment designer can benefit from finite element
analysis. It is divided into 3 parts; theory, modelling and 

application of the finite element method. The first section dealing 
with the theory of finite elements contains all the necessary mathematical
formulations to develop the method but is written in a manner to give
the reader a physical/engineering understanding behind the
technique. The second section deals mainly with modelling aspects,
such as the treatment of boundary conditions, end effects, non-linear
material and permanent magnets etc. In all cases reference is made
to their use in the solution of 'real' engineering problems. Finally, 

the third part is a collection of problems solved by finite elements
including application to turbine generations, d.c. machines, switch
reluctance drives, induction motors, transformers, bushing and
overhead lines.

The local library also carries a book with the promising title
"computer aided analysis and design of electromagnetic devices"
by R.H. Hoole. It is apparently lent out for another month,
can anybody comment on this book?

any other suggestions are still heavily appreciated.


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