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Help on LUA ...

Dear FEMM friends,

I am using FEMM on electrical engineering course (graduation and 
undergraduation courses) in a public university here in Brazil. First I 
would like to thank the FEMM author (David Meeker) and others 
working on LUA to make the program available for us from 
underdeveloped countries, otherwise would be impossible to teach 
Finite Elements here.
I would like to ask you the possibility of the LUA author to send us 
a brief description on how to use it, I don't know if I missed 
something here in this forum. If you already have the LUA tutorial I 
would like to have a copy. We are trying to model movement in a 
Linear Induction Motor, the results we are getting so far from 
FEMM is something incredible. So if you could help us on this 
matter I will be thankful, you will be helping the finish of a doctoral 
degree of one of our students.

With my regards and thanks in advance.


Dr. J.R. Camacho - IEEE Member: 01981539 - CLAUE008 ATP-EMTP
Rural Electricity and Alternative Energy Sources Lab.
UFU - School of Electrical Engineering - P.O. Box: 593
Phone:+55.34.3239.4166/250 - Fax: +55.34.3239.4165
38400.902 - Uberlandia - MG - Brazil