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Re: [femm] Determining inductance per meter with 2D analyses

gopherlid wrote:

Anybody have an idea how to calculate inductance per length?

I tried using the formula 1/2 L I^2 = Energy

but the Energy value changed too much based upon number of nodes. We're talking 100% It's as though, more nodes, more energy with no
asymptotic limit in sight!

It's a very simple structure, a wire with a slab of metal around it,
so the results should be straight forward. However, the "magnetic
field energy" seems to relate to the number of nodes *and* the number
of nodes in the metal, which makes no sense, since there is less than
0.01% energy in the metal. But changing the nodes in the metal
actually made the inductance change by a factor of 2:1

Any ideas? Plus ideas on how to know when enough is enough?

- Robert -

It sounds like problem that you are trying to solve is ill-posed. The inductance of a single wire in an unbounded 2-D space is infinite. The result that you get when you try to analyze this problem then strongly depends on how you truncate the solution domain. To get a configuration with a bounded inductance, all of the current in your domain must add up to zero, or you must model a domain where the existence of the return wire is implied your the choice of boundary conditions.

There are some examples that could be relevant to you at:

David Meeker <http://femm.berlios.de/dmeeker>