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Re: [femm] continuum model of proximity losses (was Re: various induction machine questions)

The axample below really helps.  I like to ask further questions on the subject:

Is there a good reference paper on getting a closed form solution for apparent resistance and inductance of a coil similar to the example below? Better yet, what if we have an iron-core coil, will FEMM still give an answer which is closed to the exact solution of the eddy current effect? How does FEMM take into account the hysteresis of the iron material? Also, what if we have a core that is moving such in motor or solenoid, how do we take into account the back emf effect to the FEMM solution?

Thanks in advance for the responses.

 David Meeker <dmeeker@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

David Meeker wrote:
There also might be a way to infer proximity effect losses a posteriori from a field solution with nonconductive bulk coil model.  It seems like I saw a paper about this in Transactions on Magnetics not that long ago, but I wasn't able to fish up the reference to it tonight--I suppose that I could be mistaken.
Ok--here's the reference that I was thinking of the other day:

Proximity losses computation with a 2D complex permeability modelling
Moreau, O.; Popiel, L.; Pages, J.L.
Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 34 Issue: 5 Part: 1 , Sept. 1998
Page(s): 3616 ?3619

The idea of a continuum model of proximity losses seems pretty cool.  I cooked up an example to check it out. For the example that I tried, the much simpler bulk coil model appears to predict essentially identical losses to a model in which each wire was explicitly modeled.  If you are curious about this example, I've put it up at:  http://femm.berlios.de/proxapprox.zip

I put this example together pretty quickly, so hopefully it's not entirely unintelligible....


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