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Re: [femm] Re: Colours & questions about the post-processor

henkwensink wrote:

Hi, I'm a recent user of FEMM.

I'm trying to change the colors as described above, but color8 does
not cooperate. It stays blue, while the other colors do change. No
error messages. I run FEMM (October 18 release) on Windows2000.
Who can help me?

Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology strikes again.

Anyhow, I've sneaked a fix for this into the version onto the website, in both the source and executable versions.  If you just want the version of the postprocessor with this fix, you can download: http://femm.berlios.de/femmview.zip and replace the femmview.exe from the installation with the one from the zip.  Thanks a lot for pointing this out.

David Meeker
email: dmeeker@xxxxxxxx
www: http://femm.berlios.de/dmeeker