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Re: [femm] Re: magnetic composites

From: "jire602000 <jire602000@xxxxxxxxx>" <jire602000@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: femm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: femm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [femm] Re: magnetic composites
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 19:51:12 -0000

--- In femm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "hedwige_t <hedwigetourmente@xxxx>"
<hedwigetourmente@xxxx> wrote:
> hello,
> I am trying to find the best software dealing with magnetic
> properties and polymer composites.
> Do you think FEMM could manage a layered magnet: one layer of
> bonded magnet, one layer of polymer and another layer of polymer
> bonded magnet?
> I hope somebody can help me, thanks a lot.
> Hedwige


If it is only a layer issue, it is easy , with Femm . Create a polymer
layer with its figures and another magnet layer with its own figures.
And so on, if it is a multi-sandwich. It is also easy to fix the
meshing of each layers when you define the block proprety in the
geometry, in oder to to obtain a good an fine results.
Also, look at the lua script capability of automatic generation of the
geometry and automatic calculation of the results in the viewer. This
is very powerfull.

For my personnal interest, can you tell me a bit more about this Polymer bounded magnet stuff ? Any chance of finding an internet site on this subject ?

Hope it helps.

Thank you very much, this is quite encouraging!

I found some interesting websites about polymer bonded magnets, they are mainly:
I hope you can find there what you're looking for.

Again thanks a lot.

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