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Re: [femm] data extraction using lua

sthu111 wrote:
Maybe I am missing something, but I am trying to extract the
magnitude of the flux density across a line. Normally I select PlotX-
Y and write file.  I want to know how to do this using Lua
scripting.  Looking at the manual, I only see getpointvalue(x,y)
which would mean I would have to create a recursive function to get a
150 points between the two points I am looking at.  My question is
there a function not documented(or one that I missed)  that would do
the same function as stated before and put the data into a file using
Lua scripting exactly like the why the PlotX-Y function does in the
interactive window or do I have to do each point individually?  Thank
you for your help and thank you Mr. Meeker for your program.
In version 3.2, you have no recourse but to evaluate each point individually.

If you are interested in the 3.3 development version, I've just added this functionality to the version that you can download at:
(I normally try not to change the versions that are posted on the website _too_ often, but what the heck....)

The new Lua function that does what you are after is makeplot, which is described on p. 56 of the manual.  Depending upon how you call it, you can either make a plot to the screen; write a plot to disk as a metafile; or write the data to disk in a specified file format.


P.S. Is there any plans to port to Linux/Unix?
I don't have any immediate plans to make a Linux port myself.  It may be possible to get FEMM to run on Linux using Wine, but reports on the success of this approach have been mixed.

David Meeker