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some proposals for future developments

Dear David,

there are few requests from FEMM users for future improvements, so I ask
for some, hoping they are welcome from other users.
They are not in a particular order.
- Are you thinking about a thermal development of BELA? .
- a Lua log file generated by graphic interaction could give you the
possibility to make an easy multilevel undo-redo (simply re-executing the
script up to a requested step) and would give us the frame to develop a
more complex analysis simply adding few lines of scripting.
- there is a problem in materials library: when I update FEMM version I
"miss" my own materials. If the library was organised as one directory
containing many files (one material per file), there would be no problem
during update.
- controlling added points in non-linear materials is a little complicate.
An optional log scale on H axis would help.
- adding geometric inertia to block integral computation (possibly together
with block volume) would be useful. (Best would be adding also material
density to material properties and mass / inertia block integral
- adding possibility to display boundary labels.
- what about 2nd order elements?

I hope to hear comments from other users also.

ing. G.Bortolan

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