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[FEMM] getpointvalues use

Hello fellow FEMM enthusiasts,

Has anyone used the getpointvalues( ) command? I tried the example for catching all values:

Are, Aim B1re, B1im, B2re, B2im, Sig, E, H1re, H1im, H2re, H2im, Jere, Jeim, Jsre, Jsim, Mu1re,Mu1im, Mu2re, Mu2im, Pe, Ph = getpointvalues(0,400)

and when running the script in FEMMview get an error, '=' expected for this line.

Has anyone experienced this problem and how did you overcome it?

I'm also assuming that all these values are known by virtue of having run the analysis from FEMMedit, is this correct?

Thank you.
Ron Salesky
Antenna Design Engineer
:voice: 800-257-5540 X4625
:           856-848-1800 X4625
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Checkpoint Systems, Inc.
101 Wolf Drive
Thorofare, NJ 08086