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Re: [femm] Request for 2 small features...

davehyre wrote:
 David -

   First, many thanks for making FEMM aqvailable. The accessibility
invites one to explore all sorts of things!

   Second, my requests:

1) A "turns" parameter for coils, perhaps with a fill %. Making this
part of the file would make automation of total current and
inductance easier, instead of hard-coding the value into the Lua
script. Besides, ANSYS has this, I think... ;)

Well, I've noticed that Quickfield 4.2 has an "inductance wizard" that makes it easier to derive inductance.  Perhaps something like that would be good in femm, along with a function with similar utility in Lua.
2) An "extents" function that would report the maximum and minimum X
& Y- values for the selected entities. My immediate need is to
select the block label in a certain group, though selectgroup() plus
editmode() seems to get there. If available, I would use extents()
to bound moving parts around (like a conductor).
Well, an extents command could be implemented, but the functionality that you are really after this was sort of the purpose of the selectgroup() command.  For example, you could select all of the block labels associated with a group and change their properties by just doing something like:

selectgroup(1)                        -- selects all block labels in group 1
setblockprop("iron",0,0,"<None>",0,1) -- sets properties of selected block lbls

although something like this is probably what you mean by "selectgroup() plus editmode()"

David Meeker