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Re: [femm] Postprocessor error

Tielman Slabbert wrote:
I am using femm3.3 on WinXP, and had the following problem when in femmView:
I used lua script to draw a circle in the centre of the air-gap of an induction motor to get the flux-density in the air-gap. When I zoom in to close to the red line, the program becomes very slow, and when going closer, Windows says that it must close the program. This is only a small problem, but was a nuisance when I had to check if the Lua script was doing its job!
I don't know if anyone else has had this problem.
Ivan Slabbert
I have a "special" way of drawing the contours so that if part of the contour is erased, the entire screen doesn't have to be redrawn.  I was sort of sloppy about how I implemented this--when you zoom in, the routine spends a lot of time dealing with parts of the contour that aren't in the viewable area.  I'll fix this so that it is better-behaved (i.e. neglects drawing parts of the contour that aren't viewable).
