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Re: [femm] Re: FE magnetics commercial ware


Steven Stretz wrote:

Yes, your choices are very good.  Other than OPERA I have tried or actually leased all of them.  I hesitated with OPERA because I am a machine designer and they have not paid as much attention to machines.  The others provide varying degrees of assistance to us "old time" motor designers..Ansoft trying the hardest lately with an analytical front end.  Each has isses, mostly commercial / support / ease of use.  In fact, the easiest to use was IES but the answers were inconsistent from model to model and did not agree with finite element.  I could not recommend one over the other.  I would say the solvers are all robust.

Seems they spend all their effort on the solvers and little on the interfaces.
Typical programs written by PhD's for PhD's it seems.

Thanks for the feedback,
Dave Squires